Thursday, April 7, 2011

Contemporary Idols

            In pop culture I identify icons as people, places, or things that have a noticeable impact on our ways of thinking and viewing the world.  After giving this some thought I think three of the most influential icons of my time are Lance Armstrong, John Stewart, and Oprah Winfrey.  Lance Armstrong is a seven time Tour de France winner, and advocate for cancer research.  He started his own charity Livestrong and most notably sells wrist bands for people to buy and donates the proceeds to cancer research.  John Stewart is the current host of the Daily Show which discusses politics and news in an unusual yet fun manner.  He is a proponent for spreading the word to vote, becoming informed citizens, and taking advantage of being a free American citizen.  We all know who Oprah Winfrey is and about her talk show.  Oprah a new network owner, and women’s empowerment and education advocate is responsible for the discussion of topics that reach people of all ages and cultures.  Oprah’s  most generous acts come from her Angel Network and the work she is doing to help underprivileged girls in countries that normally wouldn’t have the same chances for education.  
            I chose these icons because they are all actively working to better the lives of those around them.  Even though they are not all doing the same work, it is all important in its own special way.  Lance Armstrong and his Livestrong charity is important to the people fighting and surviving cancer and their family members.  The bracelets that he is selling and people are continuing to wear is a constant reminder that we are all in this fight together.  As simple of an idea as it may be, it connects us as human beings without dividing us into races, genders, or ages.  I believe that through connecting people together for a cause it brings us one step closer to connecting and understanding each other.  John Stewart works in a different fashion, he uses humor to reach his audiences.  John Stewart is a political advocate for becoming empowered American citizens.  Although he may have his views and political ties, he is open minded when it comes to awareness and the power of voting and being heard.  John Stewart is not afraid to team up with those from other sides in the spirit of good humor, good debate, and good conscious.  He is getting the young voters charged, helping them to become educated, and relating world topics to things they are interested in and can understand.  John Stewart may not be devoting his life to charity, but he is helping the future of our country one laugh at a time.  Oprah, one of the few women of the world who don’t need a last name to be known.  As a talk show host, Oprah has done more to help women understand themselves, give them hope in ways no one person can.  As a philanthroper she has shown us the power of helping others and giving them a second chance through donating time, energy, or money.  She is truly one of the most iconic women of our times, and her goodwill will live one through our children and grandchildren for a long time to come. 
I in the end chose these icons because they are all people that I have learned something from.  Lance Armstrong is a person who has lived his life through dedication, willpower, and the strength to fight through cancer and seven of the toughest bike races in the world.  He is a person that I look up to and would want my future children to see as inspiration too.  John Stewart is an icon that interests me because during the last election and throughout the years following, I have watched him become a hub of information for people in their twenties and more.  He can relate to them in ways that no politician can.  John Stewart gives relevant facts, and encourages a confused generation become responsible Americans.  This is important because as a generation the late X’s and Y’s have not been held as responsible as they should be for the future of our nation.  Oprah almost stands for herself, she is one of the greatest and most charitable icons of this generation.  Her ability to touch people and changes lives through good and humanity is a beautiful thing to witness.  In my life, philanthropy is important, using talents, abilities, and situations to help others less fortunate is great feeling.  Oprah is a person to look up to and use as an idol for doing good and spreading the wealth of money, wealth of knowledge, and wealth of truth. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the works of the Icons you chose are amazing, just think of how awesome the world would be if everyone was that determined to have a purpose surrounding others rather than their self. I think that is a quality needed to be a human icon, well done.
